Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Moving West

Tuesday morning and we plan on taking two days to drive to a park in eastern Arkansas.  I looked at a map, checking the route through Nashville. Past experience driving north from Florida has taught that NV is a bugger to drive through. The reason became clear when I realized that the major routes, north/south and east/west actually merge and in one short mile those going west must exchange lanes with those going north who want to move in to the lane you are trying to leave.  Of course impatient drivers only want to pass every one. I'm getting tense just thinking about it. If we survive the drive today we likely will spend the night at a Walmart in Jackson, TN.

Sam's Club Parking Lot, Cheddars nearby

We survived the drive, Navigator Ginnie suggested we take 840 which we did.  It was great, almost no traffic so we breezed along.  Taking the loop added17 miles to the trip, but according to Miss Garmin, we lost no time.  We passed by Bucksnort, Tennessee, but didn't stop to check it out.  According to Wikipedia a few professional wrestlers might live there... we don't know as we weren't that curious.

Now we are parked on a level site at a Sam's Club, as the picture attests.  Shortly we head for dinner at a Cheddars.  With thanks to Nancy for introducing us to this great chain restaurant.  Tomorrow will find us back in Arkansas, which is only 82 miles west.

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